cute 5

01 December 2009

its close its close,

this new hyperhuge mall opened in our town, and me amd M. payed it a visit 

here is our review:

mountain resort -like area 

ice-skating area 


m. and Minnie

me and raindear 

cute golden shiny car

 aaaand the firs Christmas tree i saw ^______^

phew! that iz all

pa pa! 

22 November 2009


omg! i'm watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on tv
i used to LOOOOVE the first movie of HP when i was in h-school
i hadn't eat absolutely anything today
just my coffe and tea
i'll go prepare something or my tummy will take revenge on me

17 November 2009

bad idea

i dyed my hair today ... of course it looks awful funny it always does

16 November 2009


Bran castle


au avut cv. probleme medicale asa k am stat in bZ. zilele-astea... si cu ocazia asta am capatat si o mika excursie la Bran Cute
aaaaah, a fost dragut , daaaaaaaar din pacate m-am ales cu o raceala zdravana (nu cerd k e gripa noua, k nu am aceleasi simptome *__* ) cel putin am un pretext BUN pt care nu ies din casa.
La Bz. am invatat sa fac papanasi cu tata ^^... acum vreau sa invat placinta cu mere si pui la cuptor... dar o sa le incerc cu Miha. hello kitty

bye diary.

06 November 2009


de ceeee... azi a fost soare si frumos , acum e fucking ceata
ma dor genunchii toate oasele, ma simt ca o baba (-__-)
si mi-e foaaaahhme .... cred k ma duk sa fac spaghete
papa diary ☆

31 October 2009


i'm learning to cook, and i made Boeuf salad today ... of course it was kinda lame compared to the one mom makes , but anyway i already finished it (as like i ate it ).
tomorrow me and M. will try to do some pie ... cheese piiiieee

27 October 2009


all my pajamas are pink =\ all the world is pink

25 October 2009


i haz new one today funny

i look....BAD

23 October 2009


i have a new anime crush
Kuroshitsujithe action isn't that interesting, but all the characters are soo pretty
and their clothes!!!!! beautiful
the most "well dressed" anime i've ever seen


my parents are coming to visit
damn.... gotta clean my room !!!

03 October 2009

October already !!!
the weather says it all ...
its horrible outside , i didn't got out of house since yesterday seams like there are only 2 seasons left
winter and summer
spring and autumn have reduced to only some days of ambiguous weather
at least in this part of the planet...

And also... college started this week, i didn't go at all... i simply can't manage to make myself comfortable in that place. I only managed to make one friend among my colleges (a really good friend) and other two girl with which i chat usually. But the reason that really makes me feel weird there are teachers ... especially two of them, my Japanese teachers, they are... weird and make me feel reaaaly unconfortable, (not that i am too normal (-__-))... one of them gave us homeworks each hour, even in vacations, and if you didn't have all of them at the end of semester (ABSOLUTELY ALL OF EM) u wouldn't enter the exam (wich also happend to me)... is not the idea of homework that seams absurd to me... is idea of not letting us take the eaxm , what the hell is her problem!!!! as long i pay my taxes i should be able to take all my exams !!!!! my other japanese teacher doesn't let u take the exam if u don't have half of the classes presence ... wich i also didn't because she's an awful person with a bad superiority complex and i simply can't stand her.... i'm sorry

random..from the place where i lifed last year

we have these in the garden ^___^

14 September 2009


aww ....
this looks like a dream come true
i want one in my town ^^

too cool not to post
found eet on -

12 September 2009



is not one of my favorite seasons (that is spring ^^)
because nature dies, and the weather can get pretty depressing
but still... the Autumn it's gorgeous
just think at that explosion of colors
and Bucharest looks amazing in Autumn
this is the season suits it perfectly

rain & coffee :

04 September 2009

hmmm......let's see
i had 3 exams this week, and i failed all of 'em

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well.... SHIT!!!

i still have one remaining , and i'll take it on Monday
oh! God ..... (i'm really scared -__-)
and those bastards are keeping us hours on the hallway
why do i have to be SO stupid !!!!
i'm such a f***g retard

doesn't matter anyway, i'll just life here in my
STUPID little childish world

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tee-hee ^^

random shots from horror days
