25 January 2011
i honestly don't remember getting this bored....EVER in my life
i usually tolerate boredom..... but this... is tooooo much
i have nothing to do ...NOTHIIIING
well it's true that i missed all my exams...and uhhh... that means i should like, study,...
but c'mon there are 5 moths until June...
aaand...also it seams that because of the anxiety syndrome i developed in this two months, my
learning and basically concentrating abilities are not at their highest peek
also... i have this crazy desire to do something RADICAL to my hair (no....it doesn't include
getting bald щ(゚Д゚щ ) ) ...
i'm thinking for a loooooong time at bleaching, but no, noooo, it is really too damaging ( i had my
ends bleached this summer...they looked like a broom, i cut them after a week)
and there is no way i'm cutting it boy-like short either....
yea... finally, i think i'll just find some wacky color or something
i'm in love ❤ with my new cup ❤ ❤ ❤
this is the first Rilakkuma item i own
i freakin' love Rilakkuma❤
05 January 2011
hey..... can i say " Happy new year!!!!!" on 5 january ???
Happy new year!!!!! Everynyan ( ^ ω ^ )!!!!!!!
❤it's Rabbit year so.... Glory to you MadBunny
list of what i want this year:
★ to spend much more time with my friends
★ to get healthy
★ to do more photos
★ to have a healthy hair so i can do many things to it
★ to loose some weight... because i gained ALOT lately
★to get a job
★ to pass every single fu**ing exam i'll take
★to try to eat only healthy food (this will be the hard one)
★ to drink more water (than juice)
★ to call people more often
★to have money so i can give presents to everynyan
★aaaaaand everyone i know to be completely healthy and to have a wonderful life
Etichete: random shit i do